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How to teach online with Zoom: Complete Introduction #teachonline #zoom

A video on tutorial on how to teach online with Zoom that focuses on some of the trick issues like screen sharing, audio and working with the webcam. This is a highly practical video that gets you up and running and then tries to show you some of the key issues involved with teaching online. I tried to focus on some of the typical problems that teachers have whenever I work with them.

If you want to know more about Zoom Screensharing online then try this video

If you want ideas on teaching with Zoom

If you want to learn about Zoom settings when teaching online

I have been using online teaching tools for many many years including ClickMeeting, Adobe Connect, Wimba and WebEx, so I have lots of experience and knowledge. I understand the types of problems that normally crop up with these systems. I had used Zoom in the past but I hadn't looked at it in detail. Over the past week, I have constantly been using it in online classes and presentations and I have been able to work out some of the tricky parts with using this tool.

Zoom is good value and the screen share option is very good. It also seems to run smoothly and uses less bandwidth that some of the other tools that I have worked with. The screen share option is great for online teaching. In this video I cover

1) Setting up an account
2) Getting the setting right when creating a room for teaching in
3) What you need to understand about your view and the student view
4) How to chat
5) How to control the audio and the video
6) How to screen share
7) How to play video in a lesson
8) How to draw and mark content on the screen

This is the first part of a two part series.
cikguhairulpelangi 9w2cbp cikguhairulpelangi 9w2cbp Author


Abu Ad Darda lalu berkata, "Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa melalui jalan untuk menuntut ilmu, maka Allah akan mempermudahnya jalan ke syurga. Sungguh, para Malaikat merendahkan sayapnya sebagai keredhaan kepada penuntut ilmu. Penduduk langit dan bumi hingga ikan yang ada di dasar laut akan mendoakan keampunan kepada orang yang menuntut ilmu. Kelebihan serang alim dibanding ahli ibadah seperti keutamaan rembulan pada malam purnama atas seluruh bintang. Para ulama adalah pewaris para nabi, dan para nabi tidak mewariskan dinar dan dirham, mereka hanyalah mewariskan ilmu. Barangsiapa mengambilnya maka ia telah mengambil bahagian yang banyak." (HR Abu Daud No: 3157) Status: Sahih


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