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to Share my Life Reflections

Telegraph API

Telegraph API is a minimalist publishing tool that allows you to create richly formatted posts and push them to the Web in just a click. Telegraph posts also get beautiful Instant View pages on Telegram.
To maintain the purity of the basic interface, we launched the @Telegraph bot for those who require advanced features. This bot can help you manage your articles across any number of devices and get page view statistics for any Telegraph page.
Anyone can enjoy the simplicity of Telegraph publishing, not just Telegram users. For this reason, all developers are welcome to use this Telegraph API to create bots like @Telegraph for any other platform, or even standalone interfaces.

All queries to the Telegraph API must be served over HTTPS and should be presented in this form:
If a path parameter is present, you can also use this form:

1. Methods

2. Types

3. Content format

Available methods

We support GET and POST HTTP methods. The response contains a JSON object, which always has a Boolean field ok. If ok equals true, the request was successful, and the result of the query can be found in the result field. In case of an unsuccessful request, ok equals false, and the error is explained in the error field (e.g. SHORT_NAME_REQUIRED). All queries must be made using UTF-8.


Use this method to create a new Telegraph account. Most users only need one account, but this can be useful for channel administrators who would like to keep individual author names and profile links for each of their channels. On success, returns an Account object with the regular fields and an additional access_token field.
  • short_name (String, 1-32 characters)
    Required. Account name, helps users with several accounts remember which they are currently using. Displayed to the user above the "Edit/Publish" button on, other users don't see this name.
  • author_name (String, 0-128 characters)
    Default author name used when creating new articles.
  • author_url (String, 0-512 characters)
    Default profile link, opened when users click on the author's name below the title. Can be any link, not necessarily to a Telegram profile or channel.
Sample request


Use this method to update information about a Telegraph account. Pass only the parameters that you want to edit. On success, returns an Account object with the default fields.
  • access_token (String)
    Required. Access token of the Telegraph account.
  • short_name (String, 1-32 characters)
    New account name.
  • author_name (String, 0-128 characters)
    New default author name used when creating new articles.
  • author_url (String, 0-512 characters)
    New default profile link, opened when users click on the author's name below the title. Can be any link, not necessarily to a Telegram profile or channel.
Sample request


Use this method to get information about a Telegraph account. Returns an Account object on success.
  • access_token (String)
    Required. Access token of the Telegraph account.
  • fields (Array of String, default = [“short_name”,“author_name”,“author_url”])
    List of account fields to return. Available fields: short_name, author_name, author_url, auth_url, page_count.
Sample request["short_name","page_count"]


Use this method to revoke access_token and generate a new one, for example, if the user would like to reset all connected sessions, or you have reasons to believe the token was compromised. On success, returns an Account object with new access_token and auth_url fields.
  • access_token (String)
    Required. Access token of the Telegraph account.
Sample request


Use this method to create a new Telegraph page. On success, returns a Page object.
  • access_token (String)
    Required. Access token of the Telegraph account.
  • title (String, 1-256 characters)
    Required. Page title.
  • author_name (String, 0-128 characters)
    Author name, displayed below the article's title.
  • author_url (String, 0-512 characters)
    Profile link, opened when users click on the author's name below the title. Can be any link, not necessarily to a Telegram profile or channel.
  • content (Array of Node, up to 64 KB)
    Required. Content of the page.
  • return_content (Boolean, default = false)
    If true, a content field will be returned in the Page object (see: Content format).
Sample request[{"tag":"p","children":["Hello,+world!"]}]&return_content=true


Use this method to edit an existing Telegraph page. On success, returns a Page object.
  • access_token (String)
    Required. Access token of the Telegraph account.
  • path (String)
    Required. Path to the page.
  • title (String, 1-256 characters)
    Required. Page title.
  • content (Array of Node, up to 64 KB)
    Required. Content of the page.
  • author_name (String, 0-128 characters)
    Author name, displayed below the article's title.
  • author_url (String, 0-512 characters)
    Profile link, opened when users click on the author's name below the title. Can be any link, not necessarily to a Telegram profile or channel.
  • return_content (Boolean, default = false)
    If true, a content field will be returned in the Page object.
Sample request[{"tag":"p","children":["Hello,+world!"]}]&return_content=true


Use this method to get a Telegraph page. Returns a Page object on success.
  • path (String)
    Required. Path to the Telegraph page (in the format Title-12-31, i.e. everything that comes after
  • return_content (Boolean, default = false)
    If true, content field will be returned in Page object.
Sample request


Use this method to get a list of pages belonging to a Telegraph account. Returns a PageList object, sorted by most recently created pages first.
  • access_token (String)
    Required. Access token of the Telegraph account.
  • offset (Integer, default = 0)
    Sequential number of the first page to be returned.
  • limit (Integer, 0-200, default = 50)
    Limits the number of pages to be retrieved.
Sample request


Use this method to get the number of views for a Telegraph article. Returns a PageViews object on success. By default, the total number of page views will be returned.
  • path (String)
    Required. Path to the Telegraph page (in the format Title-12-31, where 12 is the month and 31 the day the article was first published).
  • year (Integer, 2000-2100)
    Required if month is passed. If passed, the number of page views for the requested year will be returned.
  • month (Integer, 1-12)
    Required if day is passed. If passed, the number of page views for the requested month will be returned.
  • day (Integer, 1-31)
    Required if hour is passed. If passed, the number of page views for the requested day will be returned.
  • hour (Integer, 0-24)
    If passed, the number of page views for the requested hour will be returned.
Sample request

Available types

All types used in the Telegraph API responses are represented as JSON-objects. Optional fields may be not returned when irrelevant.


This object represents a Telegraph account.
  • short_name (String)
    Account name, helps users with several accounts remember which they are currently using. Displayed to the user above the "Edit/Publish" button on, other users don't see this name.
  • author_name (String)
    Default author name used when creating new articles.
  • author_url (String)
    Profile link, opened when users click on the author's name below the title. Can be any link, not necessarily to a Telegram profile or channel.
  • access_token (String)
    Optional. Only returned by the createAccount and revokeAccessToken method. Access token of the Telegraph account.
  • auth_url (String)
    Optional. URL to authorize a browser on and connect it to a Telegraph account. This URL is valid for only one use and for 5 minutes only.
  • page_count (Integer)
    Optional. Number of pages belonging to the Telegraph account.


This object represents a list of Telegraph articles belonging to an account. Most recently created articles first.
  • total_count (Integer)
    Total number of pages belonging to the target Telegraph account.
  • pages (Array of Page)
    Requested pages of the target Telegraph account.


This object represents a page on Telegraph.
  • path (String)
    Path to the page.
  • url (String)
    URL of the page.
  • title (String)
    Title of the page.
  • description (String)
    Description of the page.
  • author_name (String)
    Optional. Name of the author, displayed below the title.
  • author_url (String)
    Optional. Profile link, opened when users click on the author's name below the title. Can be any link, not necessarily to a Telegram profile or channel.
  • image_url (String)
    Optional. Image URL of the page.
  • content (Array of Node)
    OptionalContent of the page.
  • views (Integer)
    Number of page views for the page.
  • can_edit (Boolean)
    Optional. Only returned if access_token passedTrue, if the target Telegraph account can edit the page.


This object represents the number of page views for a Telegraph article.
  • views (Integer)
    Number of page views for the target page.


This abstract object represents a DOM Node. It can be a String which represents a DOM text node or a NodeElement object.


This object represents a DOM element node.
  • tag (String)
    Name of the DOM element. Available tags: a, aside, b, blockquote, br, code, em, figcaption, figure, h3, h4, hr, i, iframe, img, li, ol, p, pre, s, strong, u, ul, video.
  • attrs (Object)
    Optional. Attributes of the DOM element. Key of object represents name of attribute, value represents value of attribute. Available attributes: href, src.
  • children (Array of Node)
    Optional. List of child nodes for the DOM element.

Content format

The Telegraph API uses a DOM-based format to represent the content of the page. Below is an example of code in javascript which explains how you can use it:
function domToNode(domNode) {
  if (domNode.nodeType == domNode.TEXT_NODE) {
  if (domNode.nodeType != domNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
    return false;
  var nodeElement = {};
  nodeElement.tag = domNode.tagName.toLowerCase();
  for (var i = 0; i < domNode.attributes.length; i++) {
    var attr = domNode.attributes[i];
    if ( == 'href' || == 'src') {
      if (!nodeElement.attrs) {
        nodeElement.attrs = {};
      nodeElement.attrs[] = attr.value;
  if (domNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
    nodeElement.children = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < domNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
      var child = domNode.childNodes[i];
  return nodeElement;

function nodeToDom(node) {
  if (typeof node === 'string' || node instanceof String) {
    return document.createTextNode(node);
  if (node.tag) {
    var domNode = document.createElement(node.tag);
    if (node.attrs) {
      for (var name in node.attrs) {
        var value = node.attrs[name];
        domNode.setAttribute(name, value);
  } else {
    var domNode = document.createDocumentFragment();
  if (node.children) {
    for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
      var child = node.children[i];
  return domNode;

var article = document.getElementById('article');
var content = domToNode(article).children;
$.ajax('', {
  data: {
    access_token:   '%access_token%',
    title:          'Title of page',
    content:        JSON.stringify(content),
    return_content: true
  type: 'POST',
  dataType: 'json',
  success: function(data) {
    if (data.content) {
      while (article.firstChild) {
      article.appendChild(nodeToDom({children: data.content}));

cikguhairulpelangi 9w2cbp cikguhairulpelangi 9w2cbp Author


Abu Ad Darda lalu berkata, "Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa melalui jalan untuk menuntut ilmu, maka Allah akan mempermudahnya jalan ke syurga. Sungguh, para Malaikat merendahkan sayapnya sebagai keredhaan kepada penuntut ilmu. Penduduk langit dan bumi hingga ikan yang ada di dasar laut akan mendoakan keampunan kepada orang yang menuntut ilmu. Kelebihan serang alim dibanding ahli ibadah seperti keutamaan rembulan pada malam purnama atas seluruh bintang. Para ulama adalah pewaris para nabi, dan para nabi tidak mewariskan dinar dan dirham, mereka hanyalah mewariskan ilmu. Barangsiapa mengambilnya maka ia telah mengambil bahagian yang banyak." (HR Abu Daud No: 3157) Status: Sahih


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