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How to Lead When You're Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority

 "Influence is not about climbing the corporate ladder; it's about climbing into the hearts of those around you. When you earn the right to be heard, you'll be amazed at the influence you can have from wherever you are."

7 lessons from the book "How to Lead When You're Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority" by Clay Scroggins and Andy Stanley:
1. Cultivate Self-Leadership
The book emphasizes the importance of developing strong self-leadership skills, as this forms the foundation for effectively leading others. Scroggins explains that by mastering self-leadership, you can build credibility and influence, even when you lack formal authority.
2. Choose Positivity
The authors stress the power of choosing a positive mindset, even in challenging circumstances. They suggest that by maintaining a constructive and optimistic outlook, you can positively influence the energy and morale of your team.
3. Think Critically
The book encourages readers to develop critical thinking skills, which allow them to analyze problems, challenge assumptions, and make well-informed decisions. Scroggins explains that this ability to think critically can help you gain the trust and respect of those around you.
4. Reject Passivity
The authors caution against falling into a passive mindset, where you feel powerless to make a difference. Instead, they urge readers to take an active, proactive approach to leadership, leveraging their influence to drive positive change.,
5. Cultivate Influence Through Relationships
The book highlights the importance of building strong relationships and networks, as these connections can be leveraged to increase your influence, even without formal authority. Scroggins provides strategies for developing trust, rapport, and collaborative partnerships.,
6. Communicate Effectively
The authors emphasize the need for clear, compelling communication, as this can help you inspire and motivate others, even when you're not in a leadership position.They offer guidance on crafting persuasive messages and engaging your audience.
7. Embrace a Servant Leadership Mindset
The book encourages readers to adopt a servant leadership mindset, where the focus is on empowering and supporting others, rather than seeking personal gain. Scroggins explains that this approach can help you build trust, credibility, and a lasting positive impact, even without formal authority.
Clay Scroggins and Andy Stanley provide a practical and empowering framework for developing the skills and mindset needed to lead effectively, even when you're not in charge.
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Abu Ad Darda lalu berkata, "Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa melalui jalan untuk menuntut ilmu, maka Allah akan mempermudahnya jalan ke syurga. Sungguh, para Malaikat merendahkan sayapnya sebagai keredhaan kepada penuntut ilmu. Penduduk langit dan bumi hingga ikan yang ada di dasar laut akan mendoakan keampunan kepada orang yang menuntut ilmu. Kelebihan serang alim dibanding ahli ibadah seperti keutamaan rembulan pada malam purnama atas seluruh bintang. Para ulama adalah pewaris para nabi, dan para nabi tidak mewariskan dinar dan dirham, mereka hanyalah mewariskan ilmu. Barangsiapa mengambilnya maka ia telah mengambil bahagian yang banyak." (HR Abu Daud No: 3157) Status: Sahih


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